Don't Leave Your Family at Risk!

FREE Educational Webinars |ย Many Dates to Choose From


Why You Need a Plan

Proactive financial and estate planning can help you build real wealth and protect it from loss when something happens to you.

It's a lot simpler and inexpensive than you might think!

How to Keep Your Money

Why give your hard-earned money to the government? Keep it for yourself with financial and estate planning.

Don't be the one that pays the government unnecessarily!

How to Protect Your Loved Ones

Keep your kids safe and with the people you love and trust if something happens to you. And you can pass your assets on to your kids smoothly and inexpensively while protecting them from everyone else.

Sign Up for a Live Webinar Today

Although registration is FREE, spaces are limited. We look forward to seeing you there to learn how to plan for the future, eliminate risk, and provide for your loved ones even when you're gone.

Pick a date that works best for you!

Thursday, January 28, 6:30 pm

BONUS for Attending: 

Get a Free Copy of the Esquire's Upcoming Book 

In his upcoming book, LAW: Lawyers Always Win: How Ignorance of the Law Is Costing You EVERYTHING!, the Esquire teaches you how to save time, save money, and avoid ruin in those areas of law most likely to affect you and your family. You can only get a free copy by attending the live event.

Your Presenter

Learn from your local expert how to protect yourself, your kids, and your assets when something happens to you.

John Anderson, Esquire

The Esquire is fun! He'll teach you through the stories he tells what you need to know about getting a plan in place for YOUR family so you can keep your money, your assets, and your legacy where they belong—with YOU and YOUR loved ones.

A lawyer, author, and sought after speaker, the Esquire makes complicated concepts easy and entertains all along the way.


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